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SEDAGLUE: glue kitchen to make the best possible starch glue

To maximise the productivity of a corrugating sheet and box plant, it is essential to use high-performing starch glue and a glue kitchen that is fit for purpose.


Sedamyl’s latest product SEDAGLUE is an industrial machine equipped with hardware and software that produces a perfectly durable starch glue. SEDAGLUE makes it easy for manufacturers to adapt glue to suit all production needs, including gel point, dry solid content and water retention.


With SEDAGLUE, corrugators can always count on the best possible production of glue. All reporting data is recorded for quality assurance purposes and remote control is in place to guarantee prompt technical assistance.


At Sedamyl, our engineering team is ready to show you why SEDAGLUE can be the best choice for your corrugator.

Want to learn more about SEDAGLUE and how Sedamyl can support your business?